lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011

white week

The last week we went to ski to Valdelinares. We were there from Sunday 13th. to Friday 18th February. In the youth hostel we were one hundred children and eleven teachers. When we arrived at the youth hostel they told us where we were going to sleep. My room was the number 107. The next morning they woke up us at eight o'clock, we had brakfast and we went to the ski slopes. First, they asked us if we know how to ski and afterwards, they said us who were our tehachers. My teacher was Rubén Gil. When we finished the lesson we went to have lunch. The food was delicious. In the afternoon we had a shower and we did an activity.
This week I enjoyed a lot because I was with my friends.

Andrea Segura Aguas

1 comentario:

  1. Ja veig Andrea qe t'ho passes bé. Aprofita tot lo que pugues.
    Mos veem pronte.
